Wednesday, June 2, 2010

The truth about grocery shopping

I may or may not have strange grocery shopping habits. For example, I like to shop for groceries late at night, 9:30 - 10:00pm or early in the morning before work, 7:30 - 8:00am. There's something really enjoyable about being either among the first or last ones to shop. No one is pushing you around. You can take your time to browse, smelling and feeling the produce one at a time, with no one glaring over your shoulder to 'just get on with it' or making you feel bad for picking the last good-looking eggplant - sorry, I had a crush on it first.

Crowded shopping situations intimidate me. There's a certain bestiality that emanates from otherwise (at least I hope) sane and civilized people. After all, there are no fines for jamming your cart into someone's foot, or cutting in the line to the register. You would think it's common sense and decency not to do those things, but there are some people who have no shame (similarly to NYC subway).

Back to my grocery shopping habits... I like to go to my local store when I'm hungry. Usually, I'd stay away from shopping for food on an empty stomach - I always buy way more than I should. However, my local store ALWAYS has sampling. Cheese, guacamole, fresh baguette, catering specials, cookies - a feast! It's pretty convenient because I get to sample items I don't usually buy (or I'd eat all in one sitting - especially cheese).

Here are my favorite summer food shopping spots, in order of quality and importance:

Union Square Farmer's Marke
t : Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays and Saturdays, 8AM-6PM
Union Market (Park Slope & Cobble Hill in Brooklyn)
Forager's (Dumbo in Brooklyn)

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Burger Heaven - Watty & Meg

I'm not the biggest fan of burgers. I tend to veer towards seafood entrées. I'm a FISH person. That said, the grass-fed burger at Watty & Meg leaves me with my heart in my stomach. The meat is chockfull of taste and richness. The brioche roll compliments the beef and cheese - sweet, yet not too much. The hand-cut fries actually taste like potatoes. AND I love that this place has bbq sauce to serve with fries - MY FAVE.

Watty & Meg is located in Cobble Hill and although it's new, its mahogany shelving, oak bar, and chalkboard convey warmth and neighborhood feel.

248 Court Street
Brooklyn, NY 11201-6434
(718) 643-0007

Glen Hansard & Swell Season - Low rising

Namasté - French musical gem

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Les Petits Cannelés de Marica

I was having coffee in L.A. Burdick's last Friday and glanced (just glanced; otherwise, I would have bought and inhaled everything!) the display of baked goods. I noticed a few pretty cannelés lined up in neat little rows and immediately became nostalgic. My mother loved to bake cannelés on Sundays. Her recipe is divine and so, I thought I would take the time to share it with you!

1 liter 2% milk
500 g. butter
300 g. flour
4 egg yolks
½ cup of rum
1 vanilla bean

1) Bring butter and ¾ milk to a boil. Remove from stove and add the rest of the cold milk. Gently whisk in egg yolks until blended. Set aside to cool.
2) Add sugar, flour, rum, and scraped vanilla bean. Mix well. Place the mixture to rest in the refrigerator for 24 hours.
3) Preheat oven to 400 degrees Fahrenheit. Pour mixture into cannelé mold, filling it up to ¾. Bake in oven for 1 hour.

Bon appétit!

[image thanks to LJ42 according to this license]

Monday, October 19, 2009

Zucchini Velouté - recette de Manou

I loved going to St Martin le Vieil in October for many reasons. Nestled in the woods just an hour and a half away from Toulouse, St. Martin is a small village with a mere 200 inhabitants, a church, and a small library (tiny, actually) - the nearest store is a 20 minute car ride away in a neighboring town called Bram.

My mother would take us to St. Martin to visit her parents for two to three weeks every summer. It is beautiful in the summer too. With all the plum trees ripe with fruit, the colorful vegetable garden growing the juiciest tomatoes, and the fragrant fig trees readying their blooms to bear fruit in early fall... My grandparents' house is a playground for kids. My cousins, sisters, and I would build forts in the woods, splash around in the pool for hours in the blistering afternoons, pick the sunflowers' big black seeds and snack on them while playing hide-and-seek in the fields, go fishing in the stream... We barely ever got bored. Even when it rained, we would entertain ourselves with nature... looking for snails for my grandma's next meal, or playing game after game of rummikub or scrabble with my grandfather. We were very creative in the summers and there was always so many of us to keep us entertained!

However, Falls at 'La Combette' were quiet. The leaves rustle with the wintry winds. The logs in the fireplace crackle under the flames; my grandfather grumbling at a crossword puzzle impasse and my grandmother snoring to the Young and the Restless' lack of a plot. I love Fall. It's my favorite season. I love the smell of the first chill in the air, and of wood burning. I love the crinkling sound of the leaves beneath my feet, and the wind gently hitting against the shutters. But what I love the most about fall there is going mushroom foraging. We would find so many Chanterelles! We would come back with bags of them to clean out for dinner. Often, my grandmother would simply sauté them with a dice of butter, salt and pepper. It was unnecessary to make a complex dish out of something boasting as much flavor. She would usually serve it as a side dish with poultry or game. But I loved it most when she cooked up her zucchini soup. There's nothing better than a warm creamy soup and sautéed Chanterelles on a crisp fall day. I would sit near her in the kitchen, helping her with any task she would entrust me with; watching her every moves curious and wide-eyed.

'Qu'est ce que c'est?' - What is it?, I would ask when I saw her dropping something in the blended zucchini velouté.
'C'est de la vache qui rit!' - It's laughing cow, she would say.
'Pourquoi tu mets ça?' - Why do you add that?, I would inquire.
'Pour que la soupe soie plus crémeuse et que les enfants aiment la manger!' - To make the soup more creamy so children will enjoy it more, she would patiently answer.

I still make this soup to this day. And although I am grown-up, I still enjoy adding those 3 laughing cow cheese wedges in it!

I am very nostalgic of 'La Combette' and the time I would spend there in the Fall. My grandfather has since passed and the house has grown empty with many of us scattered around the world. But I love to hold on to those memories so dear. And whenever I cook something my grandmother has taught me - which is often - those fond memories, scents, and sounds resurface in my heart.

Zucchini Velouté - a recipe from Manou

6 big zucchinis
3 laughing cow cheese wedges
A pinch of nutmeg
Salt and pepper to tast

Boil water in a large pot with a pinch of Fleur de Sel.
Peel the zucchinis and cut each of them into three even pieces. Place all in boiling water. When the zucchinis are very soft, strain them and place them in blender to create a liquid mixture. Add the laughing cow wedges into the blender one at a time.
Finish with the nutmeg and enjoy!

[image 2 thanks to Vanessa Pike-Russell according to this license]

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Blog Action Day: When eating food means taking action

In Defense of Food and The Omnivore's Dilemma authorMichael Pollan once said at a Madison, WI news conference, “I happen to believe America’s farmers hold the key to solving the national health care crisis, climate crisis and energy crisis.”

I could not agree more.

Reading Pollan's works has been eye-opening. I think many people have heard about how feedlots and other forms of mass agriculture impact the environment. Massive greenhouse gas emissions are released in the air daily, infecting nature, and ruining the ecosystem's natural balance. Climate change has been directly linked to these greenhouse gas emissions -- the very climate change that is responsible for several animals, and plants growing extinct; for the natural cycle of seasons to be disrupted; for the gargantuan environmental catastrophes that have become top threats to human population. What if, like these animals and plants, humans were to grow extinct as well due to climate change. We are responsible for what we have inflicted on the environment. Now, it's time we all take a step back and evaluate how much we care about our mountains, our trees, our oceans, and our children, and children of children. This past year, I have made a big change to my lifestyle. I only buy seasonal produce and fish that is locally sourced from an organic or close to organic farm (wild for fish). I only buy meat, which has been ethically raised, and fed its natural diet (grass/pasture for cows; all-natural grains for poultry, etc.). I try to spend a lot of time outdoors to remind myself of how beautiful nature is. Not only am I making a step towards preserving our environment, but I am feeling healthier and happier.